Garbhavathi Desh : Pregnant Motherland

Aha!! Hear hear!! Here we are on the crossroads. It was around a month ago I observed that we are 9 months away from the Great Indian Circus called ELECTIONS. Maybe it was just a notion that my motherland was heavily pregnant (for the 16th time, sigh) and we were with great anticipation awaiting the … Continue reading Garbhavathi Desh : Pregnant Motherland

Omnipotent Nepotism

Well it was, is and possibly will be there for eternity: Nepotism. It is so ingrained in the Indian system (So far I haven't ventured out of this place, so I have the least of clue of it's impact elsewhere). Ranging from the millenia old Kings to the actors in the raging in the industry, and needless … Continue reading Omnipotent Nepotism