Star Spangled Banners & the World

I wonder what the breakfast of people whose whims can claim millions of lives taste like? I haven't given much interest in the world affairs where in the high and mighty claim to be the savior of the world. America. The land of miracles. The land of capitalism. The land of dreams. The big brother … Continue reading Star Spangled Banners & the World

Garbhavathi Desh : Pregnant Motherland

Aha!! Hear hear!! Here we are on the crossroads. It was around a month ago I observed that we are 9 months away from the Great Indian Circus called ELECTIONS. Maybe it was just a notion that my motherland was heavily pregnant (for the 16th time, sigh) and we were with great anticipation awaiting the … Continue reading Garbhavathi Desh : Pregnant Motherland