Accessing MQ Queue manager V8

This is purely technical shit... Wasn't meant to post it here... But though hell why not...   On a newly created qmgr: Checks: def lstr(test.lstr) trptype(tcp) port(1435) control(qmgr) dis qmgr connauth chlauth 2 : dis qmgr connauth chlauth AMQ8408: Display Queue Manager details. QMNAME(TEST) CHLAUTH(ENABLED) CONNAUTH(SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.IDPWOS) ----> Connection Authentication type (IDPassWordlocalOS) dis authinfo(SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.IDPWOS) 6 : … Continue reading Accessing MQ Queue manager V8


How does a hundred year old guy think? What must have become of his memories? Are his eyes milky and bottomless when you imagine him? What is Bulgaria? Who was Einstein? What's the significance of music in one's passage of life? ULRICH our hero, our underdog, our torch in dark communist regimes, is what we … Continue reading SOLO – RANA DASGUPTA (A CENTURY OF TURMOIL)