Omnipotent Nepotism

Well it was, is and possibly will be there for eternity: Nepotism. It is so ingrained in the Indian system (So far I haven’t ventured out of this place, so I have the least of clue of it’s impact elsewhere). Ranging from the millenia old Kings to the actors in the raging in the industry, and needless to mention in the politicos. What is it that makes them so powerful to pass as inheritance the legacy they carried on the next generation.

Consider the example of Nehru Family Line. The First of the Nehru whom I remember was Motilal, the first of ‘foreign’ educated and one of the leader of the then major change sweeping the nation called “Congress”. Well he definitely made a name for himself for certain.

The First Generation

The Patriarchal second generation Nehruvian was more charismatic than his father. Not only inheriting his wealth and the Kashmirian charm, but also his dynamism inducting him right away into the then widely admired Gandhi Clan (Where his father denounced his aristocratic ways for the more sober Gandhian philosophy).

The father was more than pleased to see the baton being passed successfully to the generation. Nehru Chronicled some of the most secular sections of the Indian Constitution. He smoked made merry and was renowned for his refined tastes in Arts and Culture however was naive enough to allow the Chinese Intrusion to go awry and out of hand. Still the seniors of the Congress relented and trusted him, not much because of his father but his close association with the Father of the Nation Gandhi. It was Gandhi who nodded to the ascent of Nehru to the prestigious post of leading the nation.

The time arrived for the next generation.

The lady with an Iron Resolve yet a vulnerable heart

Here came the lady who was anonymous and shy, while her father rooted out extremists in the pose of revolutionaries in Kashmir. She remained behind the curtains till the controversial Indo-China War. Although her father fervently opposed her entry into they political foray, however it wasn’t enough. Shortly after the failure at war the Non Aligned Movement had taken a blow. India could no longer be the mute spectator preaching peace among the hatred filled cold war era.

The Apparent Heirs to the Legacy

This was the lady whose will made the perception of India being a Nuclear Power (Smiling Buddha) a reality. However she certainly failed to contain the growing hostility her son was inviting (Sanjay Gandhi). He, although failed to castrate the Indian Male, however was successful in doing so with his beloved mother’s political career (Emergency Drive). Probably Indira had by now understood why her father had taken such efforts to prevent dynasty politics. Well it was late enough. The aircraft which Sanjay flew for fun, crashed hardly 300Ft from her home, causing instant death to the pilot and the co–pilot.

It was heartbreaking for Indira enough to  bring his elder brother in the foray of Indian Politics. Rajiv was a modest man, with a charming Italian wife who dreaded the Indian Political system. Had career of airline pilot and had an ambition of piloting a Boeing. Now these looked a far-cry.  By now the mass recognized him as a grandson of the famous person who steered the system during it’s inception, along with a name that coincidently got attached (Gandhi). Thus making him shoulder great responsibility. Well as Motilal was happy before dying, with the knowledge probably Indira was elated that the throne would be again passed on to someone in the family.

She was assassinated, a price she had to pay for being too secular in a nations where radicals loomed large. Bhindranwale oust from Golden Temple had cost him his as well as her life. Probably the Italian wife was too dismayed by the rumble and furore displayed throughout the episode. She probably felt that her husband although was an ordinary person, however the shadow cast by his forefathers(probably mothers also), was too large to be avoided. She let him go.

The one everyone's acquainted with now.

The Lankan scenario got bit out of hand, and it invariably took around forty thousand IPKF to create a mini Vietnam in Sri-Lanka. The Dravidians certainly didn’t like this and they in turn bombed the then prime minister to kingdom come.

Now more then ever Sonia felt that this system has eaten up everything Indian that was around her. It’s marvelous that now almost everyone has forgot Sitaram Kesri who nudged the Italian to capitalize on the corpse of husbands. Such is the fate of Indian Political system.

Now it is inherently clear that properly whipped up mass hysteria and Dynastic System are here to last. Nothing is going to change them. Sadly.

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