Clay Roses

Once upon a time I was young(probably 6 or 7 years old)  and had a good friend. His father and mine were colleagues in the work place. So we had common interests. Ranging from random comics to cosmos theories. Were funny days.

His dad was a good craftsman. could do wonders with clay, and presumably had a great influence on our trippy brains. He taught how to make clay roses. Roses that never wilt. Thats what i thought.

I made one for her in my stupid heydays. She loved it. Kind of, not that  she liked the creator but the creation she thought it was beautiful. So did i feel. I don’t know why it’s called a crush, maybe some moron thought wisely that it was a huge burden for the conscience. She called me one fine day and told that her engagement is fixed.

That was the day I got enlightened on the fact that objects made of clay although (may) last long, but will stay brittle as they age. Won’t they??? I love the old one’s, the one’s they say can wilt.

Wilting roses preferable.

Wilting Roses Preferable

4 thoughts on “Clay Roses

  1. Look’s emotional … But reaches farthest … Indians are Emotional and i guess it really works out … Nice Example in the hidden truth …

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